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Install EM on Drupal

  1. Unzip the INSTALLATION/ to your development environment.
  2. The package provides a ready-made composer.json file which will install all you need to kicks-start your composer-managed site. Run the composer install command from inside "em-drupal-project" directory.
cd em-drupal-project

composer install

Note that drupal-project installs Drupal itself in the "web" directory (em-drupal-project/web). Consider that on a production environment you have to configure your domain to point in that directory.

  1. Use Drush and install the site form configuration. Run drush site:install from inside web directory:
cd web

drush site:install \
--existing-config \
--db-url=mysql://db_user:db_pass@localhost/db_name \
--account-name=demo \
--account-pass=demo \ \

Change db_user, db_pass and db_name with your database info. The --account-name is your Drupal username and the --account-pass your Drupal password.

  1. If you'd like to start with a demo content, enable the EM Demo module:
drush en -y em_demo_content

This two articles will help you to understand how to manage your Drupal site with Composer:

Using Composer:
Drupal 8 Composer Best Practices: